Friday, August 27, 2010

Wow...really bad about posting!!!

Well, I have been terrible at posting to this blog and I am going to do my best to get better at it. It has been a crazy busy summer and we have had such a great time! So much to write about but I am sure I will miss something! :)
First of all, I can't believe it is almost September already and Taylor is going to be starting Pre-Kindergarten on September 1st. She will be attending the afternoon session from 12-3 at Bear Buddies and she is super excited to start. Last Friday after work her and I went school shopping and got her backpack and supplies that she needed, a new pair of tennis shoes, and spent a little Taylor/Mommy time together. It was fun and she is sooo excited about her new stuff. She has been asking for over a month to get her supplies, etc. but I knew if I got them too early she would ask me EVERY day to use the stuff she got and get upset every time I told her NO so I decided to wait until a little closer to the time she actually needed them to save me the head ache. :) She actually hasn't been to bad about asking if she can use her stuff. Her backpack is hanging on the hook by the door with all of her stuff in it. The only thing she has used that I now have to replace is her notebook, but not a big deal! She is super excited to ride the bus to and from pre-school and this will probably be the only time she will ever get to ride the bus, unless we move eventually, because we live so close to all of the schools.

Sami is also getting sooo big and grown up! She surprises me every day at how much she has changed! I have another "little girl" on my hands now...not such a little baby anymore :( So weird how time flies!! Sami is a very independent little girl and surprises me every day with the stuff that she knows, can say, can comprehend and can do. She loves playing on the swing set and can actually pump on her own and swing super high and loves that she doesn't need a push to get started anymore! She is the one that LOVES to be outside and play and can actually entertain herself...unlike her sister that always needs someone to play with or be outside with her! LOL
We just recently got Taylor a new bedroom set and decided to put both of the girls beds together in one room upstairs (Taylor was downstairs by herself) and ALL of the toys are downstairs in Taylor's old room. Not that it matters that we have a single toy in the house because they don't play with them anyway...ugh...but they are all in one room and its sooo nice to not have them dragging tons of toys into the living room all the time! :) I can't believe that my baby girls are going to be 5 and 3 in a month and a half!!! Man time flies!

We have been busy this summer with Weddings, Softball Tournaments, a little camping (not as much as we would have liked but what do ya do), spending lots of time with Family and Friends! It has been a great summer and although I am sad that softball is over for the year, it will be nice to have a little bit more down time (although that down time usually ends up being filled with something else - haha).

Well, I will post a few updated pictures from the summer for you and will update again soon!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I didn't forget...just been busy...

Hey all! I know its been a while since I posted last but I have actually been pretty busy and haven't had much time to sit down but here I am. We had the girls' 2nd and 4th birthday party and there is a picture of them above with their gifts. It was nice to see everyone and hang out for a while and thank you everyone that was able to make it! It actually turned out to be a nice day outside so that was awsome!!!

On the actual day of Taylor's birthday since it was during the week we went to the Dairy Queen and had a DQ treat with her and her friends...Sami, Bennett, Hayden, Madi and us adults. Good thing there was really no one in there cause they ran around like mad kids...haha...thanks for joining us guys!!

We have also gone through Halloween since I posted last and that was fun. I was sooo glad it was on a Saturday because then we don't have to work during the day and/or the next day and can have fun and not rush things. We got up in the morning...girls took baths...and we got them ready in their costumes. Taylor picked out a Minnie Mouse costume and Sami was Tigger. We got in the truck and went up to Amery to visit Shelley & Beav and then we stopped to see Greg & Carrie on the way back to NR. We then met up with the Scribners at our house, ordered pizza, and then headed out for trick-or-treating...we just walked through part of South View from our house...with a cooler packed in the stroller ;)...kept us adults warm since we weren't the ones "running" around all excited for candy. We were only out for about an hour and then headed back cause it was pretty chilly out and watched some football (weird at my house, I know-hard to believe), had a few more cocktails, and handed out the candy we had. Taylor, Sami & Bennett played until they couldn't play anymore...they were pretty worn out. Monkey pile on our Lab, Abby, was a pretty big hit that night! A few pictures of halloween below. We had a great turnout for Mike Sr.'s (Mike's dad) 50th Birthday party on Sunday, November 15th and thank you to all of you that attended that party and made it a very special day as well!
I think thats about it for my update but I will post again...sooner this time! :)
-The Morrisseys

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Family Pictures 2009 - Taylor 4 Year - Sami 2 Year

Well, we made it through pictures last night! Both of the girls were very good and gave some good smiles...although Taylor had this funny smile that was kind of like an embarrassed smile or an "im trying not to smile" smile, or she was trying too hard to smile. She kept sticking her chin and bottom teeth out and I am not really sure why. They turned out good though and I am happy with them! Mike took a couple with the girls by himself and then we tried me with them but Sami was getting a little tired of sitting so they didn't work so well...not the end of the world though. Here are a few of the pictures that were taken last night. I will post a few of the good ones and most of you I think are my facebook friends and are able to look at them all.

So there you have it...our family pictures, Taylor's 4 year pictures (yeah, she is only going to be 4 in a couple weeks!) and Sami's 2 year pictures.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Getting Started

Hi Everyone! Just started this blog and not quite sure what Im doing or how it will look so bare with me! It will get better :) I am not only starting this blog to keep everyone updated on our family but to help keep me updated as well :) Something to look back on down the road.

This summer has gone by sooo fast and I can't believe that the girls' birthdays are almost here already! Taylor is going to be 4 (and going on 14 at times) and Sami is going to be 2 and I can't believe how fast time has flown in the last 4 years! I can remember being pregnant with Taylor and only have to worry about myself and now I have 2 kids AND MYSELF to worry about...not to mention Mike and the dogs! We had a busy summer of camping, mike and I both playing softball, and spending lots of time with Family and Friends. I think every weekend "something" came up even though we were looking forward to a quiet weekend at home...yeah, I don't think that ever happened! LOL

Taylor was in the pre-school program at Bear Buddies for a while this year and she loved it! (not the actual pre-school program but for her age group) She learned soooo much and it was super good for her to interact with all of the other kids and they were soooo wonderful there! I put her in daycare with Sami recently to save on some dough and she is so much more advanced than where she needs to be right now since she can't start actual pre-school until she is almost 5 because of where her birthday lands. :( I didn't want her to be bored and know too much when she starts either. She is my little mother hen, little miss attitude, and definately a Mini-Shlee!!! It scares me sometimes to see how much of me rubs off on her! haha - I often hear her and Sami playing in the bedroom (mommy and baby) and she tells Sami to do things in the same tone and words that I often tell them. "Now Sami, Im not telling you nice or you are going to bed" - Wow...I better watch myself! haha

Sami - wow Sami has gotten so much bigger, smart, mature, and not so babyish in the last few months. She is our little brute child. She doesn't cry forever when she falls or gets a scrape (unlike little Miss thing as mentioned above), she doesn't mind getting dirty or when her hair is messy, she kind of growls at times, and she likes to be picked on by dad a lot more than Taylor does. She loves the in-home daycare that she has been going to and loves all of the other kids and Lois tells me that she is the one that she can understand the most and there are I think 3 kids the same age as her. I sometimes think there is a little devil in her as she always looks at us out of the corner of her eye before she takes off after something or when she is doing (or going to do) something that she knows is wrong. She is the little comedian of the family and there is never a dull moment with her. AND she has finally started sleeping through the night in the last few months! Yes...I did say finally at almost 2 years old...she is (for the most part) sleeping through the night!! WOO HOO

Mike and I were busy all summer with softball and of course our camping trips. We went to Glenwood City for our annual Memorial Day camping trip, Shell Lake for the 4th of July and spent some time at the Durand's as well up there, The Dells (without the kids) for the Amery vs. New Richmond annual golf showdown with the Gibsons, Parnells and Flattens and a couple others trips. Amery won the golf showdown this year and I will post pictures of the guys in the fabulous outfits! I had a couple of softball tournaments this summer which were lots of fun! Our tournament up in Barnes was a great trip again this year! Never fails...but I do admit that is one tournament I can only handle once a year!

Well, I know I am forgetting some things but this will get us started. We are getting new family pictures taken on October 6 so I will post them when I get a chance!