Well, I have been terrible at posting to this blog and I am going to do my best to get better at it. It has been a crazy busy summer and we have had such a great time! So much to write about but I am sure I will miss something! :)
First of all, I can't believe it is almost September already and Taylor is going to be starting Pre-Kindergarten on September 1st. She will be attending the afternoon session from 12-3 at Bear Buddies and she is super excited to start. Last Friday after work her and I went school shopping and got her backpack and supplies that she needed, a new pair of tennis shoes, and spent a little Taylor/Mommy time together. It was fun and she is sooo excited about her new stuff. She has been asking for over a month to get her supplies, etc. but I knew if I got them too early she would ask me EVERY day to use the stuff she got and get upset every time I told her NO so I decided to wait until a little closer to the time she actually needed them to save me the head ache. :) She actually hasn't been to bad about asking if she can use her stuff. Her backpack is hanging on the hook by the door with all of her stuff in it. The only thing she has used that I now have to replace is her notebook, but not a big deal! She is super excited to ride the bus to and from pre-school and this will probably be the only time she will ever get to ride the bus, unless we move eventually, because we live so close to all of the schools.
Sami is also getting sooo big and grown up! She surprises me every day at how much she has changed! I have another "little girl" on my hands now...not such a little baby anymore :( So weird how time flies!! Sami is a very independent little girl and surprises me every day with the stuff that she knows, can say, can comprehend and can do. She loves playing on the swing set and can actually pump on her own and swing super high and loves that she doesn't need a push to get started anymore! She is the one that LOVES to be outside and play and can actually entertain herself...unlike her sister that always needs someone to play with or be outside with her! LOL
We just recently got Taylor a new bedroom set and decided to put both of the girls beds together in one room upstairs (Taylor was downstairs by herself) and ALL of the toys are downstairs in Taylor's old room. Not that it matters that we have a single toy in the house because they don't play with them anyway...ugh...but they are all in one room and its sooo nice to not have them dragging tons of toys into the living room all the time! :) I can't believe that my baby girls are going to be 5 and 3 in a month and a half!!! Man time flies!
We have been busy this summer with Weddings, Softball Tournaments, a little camping (not as much as we would have liked but what do ya do), spending lots of time with Family and Friends! It has been a great summer and although I am sad that softball is over for the year, it will be nice to have a little bit more down time (although that down time usually ends up being filled with something else - haha).
Well, I will post a few updated pictures from the summer for you and will update again soon!!